Practice Makes Perfect

Free Unlimited Grade 9 Math Prep

Free Grade 9 Math Prep Courses

Designed by Ontario Certified Teachers with extensive experience teaching grade 9 academic math and grade 9 applied math. Based on the Ontario Curriculum, free practice questions and personalized feedback to help you succeed in your grade 9 math course.

Grade 9 Math Types of Questions
Grade 9 Math Types of Questions
EQAO Academic Math Course List
EQAO Academic Math Course List

Grade 9 Academic Math

With immediate feedback and individualized results, our free grade 9 math preparation courses help you focus on the areas you need to most.

Grade 9 Academic Math Course List
Grade 9 Applied Math Course List
Grade 9 Applied Math Course List
Grade 9 Applied Math Course List

Grade 9 Applied Math

Our dynamically generated math questions allow for unlimited practice, helping you better prepare for your upcoming math tests and exams.

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EQAO is the Education Quality and Accountability Office, an agency of the Government of Ontario. This product is not sponsored or endorsed by the Education Quality and Accountability Office or the Government of Ontario.