Keeping Track of your Thoughts

Keeping Track of your Thoughts

I lose track of my thoughts… all the time. I lose track of my thoughts in the middle of an activity, in the middle of a sentence, in the middle of, well, a thought. Usually I can figure out what I was trying to do and keep going, but with thoughts that aren’t...
International Women’s Day: Promoting Education for All

International Women’s Day: Promoting Education for All

Annually, since 1975, the United Nations has recognized March 8 as International Women’s Day. This day is an opportunity to stop and reflect on the progress (or lack of progress) made, and to celebrate the accomplishments of girls and women around the world. Each...
Create Something

Create Something

I’m really … not an “artistic” person. This is just a fact about myself. I remember back in middle school, when “art” was a mandatory course I had to take, I absolutely hated it for the longest time. But then I started to really enjoy it again. And I think it’s...