Create Something

Create Something

I’m really … not an “artistic” person. This is just a fact about myself. I remember back in middle school, when “art” was a mandatory course I had to take, I absolutely hated it for the longest time. But then I started to really enjoy it again. And I think it’s...
Should I be Reading Postmodern Novels?

Should I be Reading Postmodern Novels?

English classes often include literary classics such as The Great Gatsby, 1984, Lord of the Flies, and Pride and Prejudice on the syllabus. Though I usually enjoyed these books and studying them in school, the two attributes I always associated with them were: old and...
Challenge your Creativity with Inktober

Challenge your Creativity with Inktober

For many aspiring artists, especially those plugged into the online art community, October means Inktober! Inktober is a month-long event created by Jake Parker which challenges artists to create 31 ink drawings in 31 days. Even if you wouldn’t call yourself an...
The Importance of Classical Music in a Modern World

The Importance of Classical Music in a Modern World

In a society focused on the latest technology, dance crazes, and what is trending on social media, it is easily understood why so many believe the art of classical music is in many ways irrelevant. However, with more music being produced in today’s era than ever...