What You Need to Know About the “Summer Slide”

What You Need to Know About the “Summer Slide”

It’s that time of year again; the days are longer, the air is warmer, and the responsibilities are gone. The tune of High School Musical’s Summertime is likely fresh in your heads (though that may just be my nostalgia singing) with the promise of relaxation and loads...
Wrapping up the School Year

Wrapping up the School Year

Summer in university can seem like a lot to handle sometimes. You’re coming straight out of months of school, studying, and exams, and all of a sudden you don’t have to do… any of that anymore. Maybe you already have summer plans or a summer job, but even that is very...
Getting Ready for Your Summer Break

Getting Ready for Your Summer Break

When coming straight out of a busy school term, the summer break is definitely the time to have fun, relax, and spend time with your friends and family. The warmer weather (and increasing daylight hours) makes it perfect for family and group outings. But, on top of...
Maximizing Your Summer

Maximizing Your Summer

You may disagree with me on this, but summer is the greatest time of the year. In Canada, it means you’ve once again made it through the long gruelling winter, and are free to enjoy yourself! Temperatures are high, the sun is shining, and school’s out. There’s not...
Challenge Yourself to Summer Reading

Challenge Yourself to Summer Reading

High school students across the country are enjoying their first few weeks of summer vacation after a long school year, and university students are already several weeks deep into their well-deserved break from classes. If you’re in either of these groups, anything...