Finding Your Creative Muse

Finding Your Creative Muse

Creativity is sometimes overlooked. Still, I believe that working creatively can revitalize a worn down spirit. I understand that those of you who don’t feel like a creative person may feel uncomfortable with this idea. I’m here to tell you that you are creative, you...
Why Every Student Should Go Camping

Why Every Student Should Go Camping

Between summer jobs, spring term courses, and the regular hustle and bustle of student life, getting away for a bit is necessary. You could hop on a plane and go somewhere far away…Or you could stay close to home, pitch a tent, and spend some time in the outdoors. ...
5 Ways for Students to Stay Cool this Summer

5 Ways for Students to Stay Cool this Summer

Now that we are into July, summer is really heating up (literally). With temperatures climbing so high, how can one manage to stay cool at school and at work? Here are some simple ways to help a busy student like you avoid melting this summer.  Take advantage of water...
How Living Abroad Made Me Appreciate Home

How Living Abroad Made Me Appreciate Home

I had the opportunity to live, work, and study in two other countries in 2018. Interestingly, spending time away from Canada allowed me to feel more Canadian than ever. In these countries, I was more than just someone who happened to be from Canada. It became part of...